Views in the RED FLAGS webapp

Views are FreeMarker templates and they are located in src/main/resources/templates. Below I list them with their model attributes.


Displays the password changer form if the token is valid. Otherwise it displays a message.

Model attribute Type Description
email String E-mail address
id String Account ID
messageLabel String (Optional) Message property key
messageLevel Integer (Optional) Indicates type of message, modifies the text-* CSS class on the message text:
0 - text-primary
negative number - text-danger
positive number - text-success
name String Username
token String Change password token


Displays the Spring error properties if any exception occurs.


Displays the edit page for a filter.

Model attribute Type Description
filter UserFilter The filter to be displayed and edited


Displays the list of the user's filters.

Model attribute Type Description
filters List<UserFilter> List of the user's filters


Displays the front page. The embedded video and the about text depends on the lang attribute.

Model attribute Type Description
lang String Language code


Displays an error message. This page is used by NoticesCtrl and OrganizationsCtrl when querying fails.


Displays the login, forgotten password and registration form.

Model attribute Type Description
messageLabel String (Optional) Message property key
messageLevel Integer (Optional) Indicates type of message, modifies the text-* CSS class on the message text:
0 - text-primary
negative number - text-danger
positive number - text-success
mode String (Optional) Values can be: login (default), forgot, and register. This attribute tells which of the accordion sections will open initially


Displays the detail page of a notice. The attributes mostly refer to the fields of the Notice object although queries are not mapped to that POJO.

Model attribute Type Description
awards List<Map<String,Object>> (Optional) Awards
basic Map<String,Object> Basic (most important) information
contr Map<String,Object> (Optional) Contracting authority
compl Map<String,Object> (Optional) Complementary information
data Map<String,Object> (Optional) Data tab
flags List<Map<String,Object>> (Optional) Flags
cnFlags List<Map<String,Object>> (Optional) Flags of the related contract notice
left Map<String,Object> (Optional) Legal, economical, financial and technical information
lots List<Map<String,Object>> (Optional) Lots
objs List<Map<String,Object>> (Optional) Object of the contract chapters
procedure Map<String,Object> (Optional) Procedure


Displays the filtered list of notices.

Model attribute Type Description
allCount Long Count of notices in the database
counts List<Integer> Result per page options defined in NoticesCtrl
docTypes List<Map<String,Object>> List of document type ID-s (at id key) that have at least one notice in the database
filter String (Optional) Current filters as a single string
filteredCount Long Count of notices in the result set
filters Map<String,String> (Optional) Current filters as string pairs
filtersList List<Filter> (Optional) Current filters as Filter objects
indicators List<String> List of indicator ID-s
objs List<Map<String,Object>> Notices of the current page
order String Order mode, value can be by-date or by-flags
page Integer Current page number (1-based)
pages Integer Page count
queryTime Long Query time in milliseconds


Displays the detail page of an organization.

Model attribute Type Description
basic Map<String, Object> Basic (most important) information
callCount Long Count of contract notices where this organization was the contracting authority
calls List<Map<String,Object>> (Optional) List of top 10 freshest notices where this organization was the contracting authority
winCount Long Count of contract award notices where this organization appeared as award winner
wins List<Map<String,Object>> (Optional) List of top 10 freshest notices where this organization appeared as award winner


Displays the filtered list of organizations.

Model attribute Type Description
allCount Long Count of organizations in the database
counts List<Integer> Result per page options defined in OrganizationsCtrl
filter String (Optional) Organization name filter
filteredCount Long Count of organizations in the result set
objs List<Map<String,Object>> Organizations of the current page
page Integer Current page number (1-based)
pages Integer Page count
queryTime Long Query time in milliseconds

Included templates

header.ftl and footer.ftl are included in every page and they use the following global attributes:

Model attribute Type Description
appTitle String Title of the application
lang String Language code
languages String[] Available language codes
needDateRangePicker Object (Optional) If specified and not null, DateRange Picker script tag will be included
needHiCharts Object (Optional) If specified and not null, HighCharts, OwlCarousel and related resources used on the front page will be included
needReCaptcha Object (Optional) If specified and not null, Google reCaptcha script tag will be included
pageTitle String (Optional) Title of the page. It will be shown in the window header as "pageTitle - appTitle"
pageTitleLabel String (Optional) Message property to be used as page title. This attribute sets and overrides the value of pageTitle
prevPageTitleLabel String (Optional) Message property to be used as the title of the previous page
prevPageUrl String (Optional) URL of the previous page
siteMessage String (Optional) Message property to be displayed in a well above content


This one contains the funtion readableFilter which accepts a List<Filter> as its only one argument. It prints the filter in a human readable format using labels and HTML formatting.

You can read more about it in the notice filters chapter.


This contains helper functions and macros to generate or print some informations related to flags and indicators:

Function Description Parameters
flagInfo Generates flag information using the appropriate label info - information field from te_flag table
indName Returns with the name of the indicator using the appropriate label id - flag ID
indDesc Returns with the description of the indicator using the appropriate label id - flag ID
Macro Description Parameters
smallFlags Generates small flags for a notice list item, where the tooltip is the indicator name flags - List<Flag>
detailedFlags Generates a flag table for a notice where the text is the flag information and there's a button for the indicator description flags - List<Flag>


Contains macros that can be used even outside Red Flags.

Macro Description Parameters
label Displays the message using the given key id - message property key
notfoundtext - optional, text to be displayed if message not found; default value is id
pager Generates Bootstrap pagination buttons (items per page buttons and page links too) pages - page count
page - current page (1-based)
counts - array of items/page options
count - items/page
urlFormat - page URL format
pagePlaceholder - character sequence in urlFormat to be replaced with page number
countPlaceholder - character sequence in urlFormat to be replaced with items/page
accordion Shorthand for an accordion inside some div tags. It has a #nested placeholder.
accordion_panel Generates an accordion panel id - ID to be included in div ID-s, like panel-{ID}-header, panel-{ID}-content
headingLabel - message key to use for panel heading
open - whether to open accordion panel
headingSuffix - text to be appended to heading
details Prints a table with field names and their values, uses print_value map - object or Map to read values from
fields - list of fields to be displayed
labelPrefix - field labels will use message key {labelPrefix}.{field}
print_value Prints a value but handles dates as dates and replaces URLs with links in texts. It also wraps values in p tag and replaces line breaks with &lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;. v - value to be displayed


Imports spring.ftl.