Tables of the RED FLAGS engine

Database tables are based on the POJO classes, so here we don't repeat field descriptions, we're focusing on the differences and structure.

Every table has a rev field, which is described at MySQLExporter.


Field Type Description
buyerProfileUrl varchar(200)
id varchar(200) [PK] MD5 hash of the Address.toString() result.
city varchar(200)
contactPerson varchar(200)
contactPoint varchar(200)
country varchar(200)
email varchar(200)
fax varchar(200)
infoUrl varchar(200)
organizationId varchar(200) ID of the organization this address belongs to.
phone varchar(200)
_raw longtext
rev decimal(22,0)
street varchar(200)
url varchar(200)
zip varchar(200)


Field Type Description
decisionDate datetime
id varchar(200) [PK] Format: "noticeId-A-number"
lotNumber decimal(22,0)
lotTitle longtext
noticeId varchar(200)
number decimal(22,0)
numberOfOffers decimal(22,0)
rawDecisionDate varchar(200)
rawHeader longtext
rawLotNumber varchar(200)
rawNumber varchar(200)
rawNumberOfOffers varchar(200)
rawTotalEstimatedValue varchar(200)
rawTotalEstimatedValueVat varchar(200)
rawTotalFinalValue varchar(200)
rawTotalFinalValueVat varchar(200)
rev decimal(22,0)
subcontracting longtext
subcontractingRate decimal(22,2)
totalEstimatedValue decimal(22,0)
totalEstimatedValueCurr varchar(200)
totalEstimatedValueVat decimal(22,2)
totalFinalValue decimal(22,0)
totalFinalValueCurr varchar(200)
totalFinalValueVat decimal(22,2)

To be able to map documents using 2014/24/EU directive, we introduced the following new fields:

Field Type Description
awarded decimal(1,0)
nonAward longtext
rawAwarded varchar(200)

Winner organization is stored in te_organization and the relation in te_relationdescriptor looks like this:

Field Value (as Java code)
id String.format("AWARD-%s-2-ORG-%s", award.getId(), award.getWinnerOrg().getId())
additonalInfo "winnerOrg"
relationLeftId award.getId()
relationRightId award.getWinnerOrg().getId()


Field Type Description
additionalInfo longtext
genRegFWInfo longtext
id varchar(200) [PK] Same as the notice ID.
lodgingOfAppeals longtext
noticeId longtext
rawRelToEUProjects longtext
recurrence longtext
refsToEUProjects longtext
relToEUProjects decimal(1,0)
rev decimal(22,0)


Field Type Description
id varchar(200) [PK] Same as the notice ID.
noticeId varchar(200)
purchasingOnBehalfOfOther decimal(1,0)
rawPurchasingOnBehalfOfOther longtext
rev decimal(22,0)

Contracting organization is stored in te_organization and the relation in te_relationdescriptor looks like this:

Field Value (as Java code)
id String.format("CONTR-%s-2-ORG-%s-AS-%s", contr.getId(), contr.getContractingOrg().getId(), "contractingOrg")
additonalInfo "contractingOrg"
relationLeftId contr.getId()
relationRightId contr.getContractingOrg().getId()


Field Type Description
code decimal(22,0)
id varchar(200) [PK] Same as code.
name varchar(200)
rev decimal(22,0)


Field Type Description
country varchar(200)
deadline datetime
deadlineForDocs datetime
directive varchar(200)
documentSent datetime
id varchar(200) [PK] Same as the notice ID.
internetAddress varchar(200)
noticeId varchar(200)
oj varchar(200)
originalLanguage varchar(200)
place varchar(200)
publicationDate datetime
rev decimal(22,0)
title varchar(200)

Types are stored in te_datatype and the relations in te_relationdescriptor look like this:

Field Value (as Java code)
id String.format("DATA-%s-2-TYPE-%s", data.getId(), type.getId())
additonalInfo "authorityType" or "awardCriteria" or "bidType" or "contractType" or "documentType" or "procedureType" or "regulationType"
relationLeftId data.getId()
relationRightId type.getId()

te_datatype (Type)

Field Type Description
id varchar(200) [PK] Same as typeId
name varchar(200)
rev decimal(22,0)
typeId varchar(200)


Field Type Description
beginDate datetime`
endDate datetime`
id varchar(200) [PK] Generated from the container object's ID and a field description.
inDays decimal(22,0)`
inMonths decimal(22,0)`
_raw varchar(200)`
rev varchar(200)`

te_flag (IndicatorResult)

Field Type Description
id varchar(200) [PK] Format: "noticeId-F-indicatorClassname"
effectLevel varchar(200) (not used)
flagType varchar(200) IndicatorResult.flagCategory
information text IndicatorResult.description
noticeId varchar(200)
rev decimal(22,0)
score decimal(22,2) IndicatorResult.weight


Field Type Description
depositsAndGuarantees longtext
executionStaff longtext
financialAbility longtext
financingConditions longtext
id varchar(200) [PK] Same as the notice ID.
legalFormToBeTaken longtext
noticeId longtext
otherParticularConditions longtext
particularProfession longtext
personalSituation longtext
qualificationForTheSystem longtext
reservedContracts longtext
rev decimal(22,0)
technicalCapacity longtext

To be able to map documents using 2014/24/EU directive, we introduced the following new fields:

Field Type Description
objRulesAndCritForParticipation longtext


Field Type Description
additionalInfo longtext
id varchar(200) [PK] Format: "noticeId-L-number"
noticeId varchar(200)
numb decimal(22,0) Lot.number
quantity longtext
rawCpvCodes longtext
rawNumber varchar(200)
rev decimal(22,0)
shortDescription longtext
title longtext

Duration is stored in te_duration, its ID will be the same as the lot's ID. The relation in te_relationdescriptor looks like this:

Field Value (as Java code)
id String.format("LOT-%s-2-DUR-%s", lot.getId(), lot.getDifferentDuration().getId())
additonalInfo "differentDuration"
relationLeftId lot.getId()
relationRightId lot.getDifferentDuration().getId()


Field Type Description
documentFamilyId varchar(200)
id varchar(200)
noticeNumber decimal(22,0)
noticeYear decimal(22,0)
rev decimal(22,0)
tedUrl varchar(200) Notice.url

Chapters are stored in their own tables, without relation records. Their noticeId fields are storing the connection.


Field Type Description
additionalInfo longtext
contractTitle longtext
contractTypeInfo longtext
estimatedValue decimal(22,0)
estimatedValueCurr varchar(200)
financingConditions longtext
frameworkAgreement longtext
frameworkParticipants decimal(22,0)
gpa longtext
id varchar(200) [PK] Format: "noticeId-O-number". The number is the index of the current obj. block in the notice document. First obj. block has 1.
lots longtext
noticeId varchar(200)
options longtext
pcFaDps longtext
placeOfPerformance longtext
plannedStartDate datetime
rawEstimatedValue longtext
rawPlannedStartDate varchar(200)
rawRenewable longtext
rawRenewalCount varchar(200)
rawTotalFinalValue varchar(200)
rawTotalFinalValueVat varchar(200)
renewable decimal(1,0)
renewalCount decimal(22,0)
rev decimal(22,0)
shortDescription longtext
totalFinalValue decimal(22,0)
totalFinalValueCurr varchar(200)
totalFinalValueVat decimal(22,2)
totalQuantity longtext
variants longtext

To be able to map documents using 2014/24/EU directive, we introduced the following new fields:

Field Type Description
lotTitle longtext
rawLotCpvCodes longtext
awardCriteria longtext
rawLotEstimatedValue varchar(200)
lotEstimatedValue decimal(22,0)
lotEstimatedValueCurr varchar(200)

Durations are stored in te_duration with IDs:

The relations in te_relationdescriptor look like this:

Field Value (as Java code)
id String.format("OBJ-%s-2-DUR-%s", obj.getId(), duration.getId())
additonalInfo "duration" or "frameworkDuration" or "renewalDuration"
relationLeftId obj.getId()
relationRightId duration().getId()


Field Type Description
code varchar(200)
id varchar(200) [PK] MD5 hash of organization name normalized for hashing
mainActivities longtext
name longtext Organization name normalized for displaying
rawMainActivities longtext
rev decimal(22,0)
_type varchar(200)


Field Type Description
awardCriteria longtext
electronicAuction longtext
fileRefNumber varchar(200)
id varchar(200) [PK] Same as the notice ID.
interestDeadline datetime
invitationsDispatchDate datetime
limitOfInvitedOperators longtext
noticeId varchar(200)
obtainingSpecs longtext
openingConditions longtext
openingDate datetime
previousPublication longtext
procedureTypeInfo longtext
rawInterestDeadline varchar(200)
rawInvitationsDispatchDate varchar(200)
reductionOfOperators longtext
renewalInfo longtext
rev decimal(22,0)
tenderLanguage varchar(200)

To be able to map documents using 2014/24/EU directive, we introduced the following new fields:

Field Type Description
faDps longtext
gpa longtext

Durations are stored in te_duration with IDs:

The relations in te_relationdescriptor look like this:

Field Value (as Java code)
id String.format("PROC-%s-2-DUR-%s", proc.getId(), duration.getId())
additonalInfo "minMaintainDuration" or "qualificationSystemDuration"
relationLeftId obj.getId()
relationRightId duration().getId()


Field Type Description
additonalInfo varchar(200) Field of left class
id varchar(200) [PK] Format: "LEFTCLASS-leftId-2-RIGHTCLASS-rightId[-FIELD]"
relationLeftId varchar(200) ID of the left record
relationRightId varchar(200) ID of the right record
rev decimal(22,0)
_type varchar(200) Format: "LEFTCLASS_TO_RIGHTCLASS"

Where left = container, right = contained.