Services in RED FLAGS webapp

All service class is in hu.petabyte.redflags.web.svc package.


Method Description
List<Account> findAll() Returns all user accounts from the database.
long getCurrentUserId() Returns the ID of the currently logged in user or 0 if there's no logged in user in the current session.
Account getCurrent() Returns the currently logged in user account or null if there's no logged in user in the current session.
saveAccountAndCryptPassword(Account) Saves the given account into the database but encodes the password in cryptedPassword field first


Implements the only one method of CaptchaValidator interface.

Method Description
boolean validateCaptcha(String response) Validates the user's reCaptcha response using the reCaptcha API, returns true if response is valid.


Provides data for charts displayed on the front page.

Method Description
List<Integer> flaggedNoticeCountsPerQuarter() Returns the number of flagged notices by quarter.
FlagCounts getResult() Returns data for the donut chart: flag counts and their frequencies.
List<Integer> noticeCountsPerQuarter() Returns the number of notices by quarter.
List<String> quarters() Returns the quarters.
String sumValueCSV() Returns data in CSV format for the bar plot.


Utility component to send emails.

Method Description
boolean send(String to, String subject, String text) Sends an UTF-8 encoded, HTML email with the given parameters. Sender will be the value of redflags.from property.
String text(String templateName, Map model
HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, Locale)
Renders the text using the given template file name, model and locale. Rendering is done by InternalViewRenderer (also in svc package).


This component is responsible for sending subscription letters.

Method Description
boolean sendFilterLetters(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) Goes through subscribed filters, removes date filter (irrelevant), adds internal date filter (to avoid sending already sent notice links), and sends email to the user which contains the freshest 10 notices matching the filter.


Method Description
delete(long) Deletes the user filter of the given ID.
fill(UserFilter) Calls fillOrgNames method to add organization names into info fields of relevant filters.
fillLastNoticeId(UserFilter) Stores the number and year of the last sent notice into the user filter object - to avoid resending notices next time.
fillOrgNames(List<Filter>) Adds organization names into info fields of relevant filters (contr and winner) if they contain organization IDs.
UserFilter get(long) Returns the user filter of the given ID.
long saveNew(long userId, String filter) Stores the new user filter and returns its ID.
boolean saveSettings(long id, String name, boolean subscribe) Saves settings of a user filter and returns true on success.


Method Description
List<UserFilter> getFilters() Returns list of current user's filters


Method Description
List<String> getIndicators() Returns the list of indicator IDs - stored in a list.
refresh() Updates the list upon initialization and then every 60 minutes.


Method Description
List<Map<String,Object>> awards(String id) Returns the awards extended with winners for the given notice ID.
Map<String,Object> basic(String id) Returns the basic notice information from rfwl_notices table for the given notice ID.
List<Map<String,Object>> cnFlags(String id) Returns flags of the contract notice related to the notice identified by id.
Map<String,Object> compl(String id) Returns the complementary information for the given notice ID.
Map<String,Object> contr(String id) Returns the contracting authority information for the given notice ID.
Map<String,Object> data(String id) Returns the Data tab information for the given notice ID. The result is extended with CPV code descriptions and Type names.
List<Map<String,Object>> flags(String id) Returns flags for the given notice ID.
Map<String,Object> left(String id) Returns the "LEFT" information (see data documentation) for the given notice ID.
List<Map<String, Object>> lots(String id) Returns information of lots for the given notice ID, extended with the duration, and CPV code descriptions
List<Map<String, Object>> objs(String id) Returns object of the contract chapters' data for the given notice ID.
Map<String,Object> proc(String id) Returns the procedure information for the given notice ID.
List<Map<String, Object>> related(String id) Returns basic information of document family member notices for the notice identified by id.
List<Map<String,Object>> winner(String id) Returns the ID and name of winners for the given notice ID.


Method Description
long count(List<Filter>) Queries the count of notices which match the given filters.
List<Map<String,Object>> docTypes() Queries available document type IDs from the database.
init() Initializes Freemarker and loads the template for SQL queries: queries/notices-sql.ftl.
Map<String,Object> lastNotice() Queries the freshest notice number and year.
List> query(int perPage,
int offset, boolean byFlags, List)
Queries notices with the given parameters using sql method.
String sql(List<Filter> f, boolean count, boolean byFlags) Returns the appropriate query for the given filters. Sets ordering according to the 3rd argument. If count is true, it creates a SELECT COUNT(1)... query. All these paramterers are handled in the template.


Method Description
Map<String,Object> basic(String id) Returns the basic organization information from te_organization table for the given organization ID.
long callCount(String id) Returns the number of contract notices where the contracting organization ID is id.
List<Map<String,Object>> calls(String id) Returns basic information of notices where the contracting organization ID is id.
init() Loads the SQL code for the query (queries/organization-wins.txt) which returns wins of an organization.
long winCount(String id) Returns number of contract award notices where id appears at least in one award as winner.
List<Map<String,Object>> wins(String id) Returns basic information of notices where id appears at leat in one award as winner.


Method Description
String addFilter(String sql, String filter) Puts filter into the given SQL query.
long count(String f) Returns the count of organizations matching the given name filter.
init() Loads SQL codes for queries (queries/organizations-query.txt and queries/organizations-count.txt).
List> query(int perPage,
long offset, String filter)
Returns data of organizations using the given parameters.


Method Description
boolean activate(long id) Activates the given user account and returns true on success.
boolean changePassword(long id, String pw) Saves new password (with encryption) for the given user account.
String initiatePasswordChange(String email, String urlFormat, Locale l) Calls sendEmailConfirmation and returns with a message property key which indicates success or error type.
String initiateRegistration(String email,
String pw, String name, String urlFormat, Locale l)
Saves new account then calls sendEmailConfirmation and returns with a message property key which indicates success or error type.
String sendEmailConfirmation(Account a,<br>String urlFormat, String labelPrefix, Locale l)</pre> | Saves remember token and expire date for the account then sends email with confirmation link using the parameters. Returns withlabelPrefix` + key of message which describes success or error type.
boolean validateCaptcha(String r) Calls CaptchaValidatorSvc, but returns constant true if site.useCaptcha property is set to false.
boolean validateToken(long id, String token) Validates the given token. Returns false if the token doesn't belongs to given user or it has been expired.